Hello, World!

Hello, World!

Hello, World!

What a better way to start off my brand new blog than with my own exuberant Hello World post!

I am sure that all you techies reading this will have already noticed the extra care I took in adorning the hello, world statement with capital letters and punctuation -a distinct improvement over the first and original version of the historical hello, world program -

For those of you that do not know what a hello, world program even is, welcome to my blog! Please do not run away just yet.
I promise I will not just write about computers, information technology and software engineering. And when I do, I will clearly mark those technical posts so that you, the reader, can easily filter out those posts that, let us admit, only a handful of people would actually enjoy reading.

Empowered with the ability to skew away from posts that would bore the living daylight out of normal people, and that would be comprehensible only to a selected few, I hope you will take the plunge and venture past the first handful of words of all my posts. Those who dare will be rewarded with informative posts with lots of explanatory material (likely, all links to wikipedia) and an insight into whatever I get into and find interesting enough to write home about.